
$0.00 / month
Your subscription gives you:
- Access to more than 1800 entries of words, phrases, and sentences
- Instant audio and pictures for every entry
- Access to our library of fun, step-by-step speaking activities to print and play
- The ability to scan all of our posters and stickers for instant interactive learning

Hear Your Child Confident and Eager to Speak Spanish
- Broaden your child’s horizons with the only game-based Spanish learning kit
- Faster and easier to go from single words to building simple sentences
- Helps your child feel confident and eager to speak Spanish
- Assembled in the USA
- Includes online audio and pictures to more than 300 words, phrases and sentences
- Native speaker pronunciation
- Fraction of the cost of tutoring to reach a similar level
- See and hear your child feel like a world citizen putting together simple sentences